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River Bend School District

Remote/ Blended Learning


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River Bend Return to Learn Early Update


Dear River Bend Families,


We greatly appreciate your patience as the District is putting together our Return To Learning Plan for the fall.  I am sharing a document that begins to address how we might return to on-site learning.  Our plan is still being formulated and has to adjust to ISBE information that changes almost daily.  Our planning team has worked through about half of our agenda for safely returning.  A second update will be provided as planning continues.  We will also be surveying families once we feel the plan that can be presented.  


The good news is children are less likely to get this virus as compared to adults. Schools around the world have returned and seen small numbers of positive cases with the students.  We are excited to have students on-site and we think students are excited to be coming back.  We ask for your support, prayers and ideas as we move into an entire new way of educating students.  Safety is our priority and following guidelines is important as we determine what is best for our students.  Keep in mind that school starts August 19th and we have a six week roller coaster ride as we get ready.  Many of the state guidelines are being changed and challenged, we will do our best to keep you informed and updated.  Your support is critical as we move forward.  


On-line registration begins July 6th and the District Office is here to help in any way that we can.


Continue to stay safe and enjoy your summer,


Darryl Hogue


River Bend Reopening Update 7/2/2020