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River Bend School District

Remote/ Blended Learning


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Storm Damage, Opening Day, and other updates

River Bend Families and Staff,                  


The communities and families in our school district have seen significant damage from  Monday's storm.  For many of us, getting by day to day has not been easy.  Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers.  


The middle and elementary school both sustained damage to the roof, cooling systems, and windows in some manner.  Both schools also have had to deal with water damage inside the buildings.  At this point, we believe we can still start with our blended and remote plans on August 17th.  However, without power, we do not know the damage to our technology systems and internet.  We will assess the technology and internet damages as soon as we get power restored.  


I wanted to provide an option if we have to delay the start of school due to technology issues.  We would start with teachers on Wednesday, August 19th and use the rest of the week as a teacher institute and training days.  We would push back all our current start plans until Monday, August 24th and start with our orientation day. Anchor days would begin on Tuesday, August 25th and Boat days would start on Wednesday, August 26th.   


As I stated earlier, we hope to start on time, but cannot predict what our technology connection issues will be without power.  I hope this helps in providing a backup plan if it becomes necessary.  If we have to push back the start of school to August 24th, you will be notified as soon as the decision is made.  


We are excited about school starting and like each of you are happy that the storm did not do more damage and we are all safe.  Our Steamer Strong spirit will help us get through this together.


Looking forward to getting underway,


Darryl Hogue


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